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Saturday, July 10, 2010

New CG! 【Ash】

Muahahaha~~~ I've been pretty bored these days because of summer vacation... But I'm going back to China on July 20th and will not be back until October~~ So between now and then I decided I will draw something new! SO~~~ Here comes the new piece “Ash”.

It is the first time ever I tried to original a male character. The out come is okay, not too bad but not so good either, however, I did try my best >////< Anyhow... I was inspired by a Chinese artist called Heise, so I came up with this guy... I hope you all enjoy it!

The following are screenshots I took throughout the drawing process...
and the finished piece too:

So, I started off with the eyes, then formed the head from there...
Highlights of the hair and stuff...
Planning out the body and the gesture...
Background.... to make sure the character fits in. I also did the back light here...
OK... Now came the stupid part... I was gonna draw horns on him, so I did this....
Then I change to this.....
But nothing worked on him so I start fooling around with him.....
Teletubbie? = =||||... OK stop....
So I decide I'll ignore his horns and do the rest of his body first....
Yay, I really like how I did his belt, looks cool.
Then I was thinking how to make him look sexier... After a while I realized that all I wanted to do is rip his cloth apart, so that's what I did....
Then I placed him in flames with tattoos on his arms.
Adding some accessories on him to make him look cooler.
Rap him up with chains from the scabbard, and done~!


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