
Friday, April 13, 2012


Character FX: Distressed BeautyCharacter FX: Distressed BeautyCharacter FX: Distressed BeautyCharacter FX: Distressed BeautyGelatin 2nd Degree BurnGelatin 1st Degree Burn
Gelatin 3rd Degree BurnGelatin 3rd Degree BurnGelatin 2nd Degree BurnCharacter FXCharacter FXCharacter FX: Frost Bite
Character FX: Frost BiteGelatin CutWax CutWax CutBlack EyeBruise
Wax Broken NoseWax Broken NoseWax Bullet HoleWax Bullet HoleWax Bullet HoleCharacter Makeup: Drug Addict

Flickr 上的相片集 Out Of Kit FX

Makeup effects made out of wax, gelatin and illustrator pallette.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fairy Project X ( and 19th B-day! )

I just realized that I havn't updated for MONTH! I can't believe it! Totally forgot about this blog = =|||| but I am getting back to this, I mean I love blogging but I just happened to not have time to do so. So here I am updating my latest modeling work, which is my final ( YAY three and a half month since I started 3D, I'm finally be able to put something like this together! Crappy but Proud!! ). Creation of my final project is SO MUCH FUN, I enjoyed it A LOT! In love with every step of the creation of this peice, including concept designing, modeling, texturing, lighting~! I guess I'm ready to become a modeler now!! LOL. Anywayz, enjoy my screenshots! Please critique and comment on it if you wish~!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First try in Mudbox! Er....Cubone anyone?

It's almost been 3 month at Think Tank already! Time passed by so fast that my first class at TT seems like yesterday! Alright people! Get ready for my first Mudbox project~~!!!

 We were asked to choose one of the Pokemon, and do a more realistic model of them using XSI and Mudbox~ So we made our base mesh in XSI first and then imported them into Mudbox and built the rest of the detail. I really had fun playing with Mudbox, it's interesting trying to sculpt in 3D world ( although it's not like I sculpt in real life but it's still fun).

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sports Car fever: Mercedes-Benz SLR

Hi people, haven't update for a long time! For our next project, we were asked to make a model of a car of our choice >////< However I'm not the type of girl that is interested in cars = =|||| so I asked my boyfriend what to make, and this is what he suggested me!  Mercedes-Benz SLR ... It is a hard car to make, even my modeling teacher Joe asked me if I'm certain on this decision, but I am pretty determined to make this model.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some drawings and that environment retry...

Hi people! I can't believe that I am updating my blog again = =|||| Anyhow, I just want people to know that I have a new Linked IN account, which you can find it HERE. So please add me if you want to ^^ I am looking forward to meet more people on there.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long time no updates.... Hm....

Hello people~ Alright... I've noticed these days that I haven't update my blog for a VERY long time lol! But that was because I am too busy with my schooling, so its reasonable right? Anyhow, I've been to Think Tank for a month already~ I just want to keep this blog up to date, and let people know how I'm doing. So I'm going to upload quite a few things here today.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

First week at TT = GREAT

Hi everyone~! So my life is sorta on track, I am going to my new Think Tank school and it's been great! I REALLY enjoy studying there, people and classmates are SUPER nice, and the environment is just unbelievably comfortable too! My little life with dual monitor and intuos 4 has been WONDERFUL.
Common, a school with dual monitor, intuos 4, blue-ray theater, cool people, awesome course, who wouldn't like it?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My trip back in time

Hi everyone! I just recently got back to Vancouver, I've been at China for almost 3 month~~ It was a lot of fun~~~ So this time I want to share something with everyone, that is: my photographs!!! They are not just normal photos, those are me dressing up in ancient Chinese style clothing~~ LOL