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Friday, June 25, 2010

yep, I'm going to Think Tank~

Hey guys~! Guess where I'm going for post secondary? THINK TANK!!!! YES!!! Although for a lot of people who know me, this is not a secret anymore, but still I just wanna share the joy ^^

Think Tank is a 3D animation, modeling and visual effect school. It is a training centre therefore not a university or collage, but it does offers a diploma after graduation. The program is one year only, and graduates has 98% employment rate, pretty cool huh? BUT the cooler part is that they only take 8 students!!! Small class, more productive and professional students ^^

Yep I'm so looking forward to it!

Here's some photos I took inside the school, its undergoing construction but most of them are done. REALLY COOL place, looks like dungeon!!! The interior design is totally game and movie based, which made this school very cool and unique!!!

Here's the school website:

OK here we go! The coolest walls and ANCIENT light switches which Scott bought from EBay.

Coolest door ever, it looks like real iron! the lock is ancient and its REAL and OPEN-ABLE!

Finger print censored door, it identifies students finger prints so we don't need ID card whatsoever.

Complete dungeon look, with the coolest lights ever~

In conclusion... DAM I LOVE THIS PLACE!

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