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Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hey people who actually visit here~ How's it going? I am happy to announce that the mural that I was working on is finally done! It looks great! It is the first time I ever done anything like a mural or graffiti on the wall, and it was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it ^^. I have to thank all the people who helped in making of this mural : thank you very much! Without everyone‘s help it won't be able to finish on time!!!

And of course, there's me.... doing retarded poses....

Meagan and Robyn who kindly helped us with the name list ( Top 6 provincial & national)

Meagan and her cute pose ^^

At last, I just want to say THANK YOU for all my teachers and friends who supported me through this five years of high school life. I hope this memory and thankfulness will forever preserved within this mural.

1 comment:

  1. holy crap this is way different style of sdrawing ive seen from you.. TOO MUCH MUSCLES AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!
