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Saturday, October 9, 2010

My trip back in time

Hi everyone! I just recently got back to Vancouver, I've been at China for almost 3 month~~ It was a lot of fun~~~ So this time I want to share something with everyone, that is: my photographs!!! They are not just normal photos, those are me dressing up in ancient Chinese style clothing~~ LOL

I have to say I LOVE these photos so much ( OK, its like prettiest time in my life UGH~~). The reason I took these photos is.... first for the sake of my vanity ( yeah, that's about 90% of the reason...) , next is for reference~~ ^^ These pictures are pretty inspirational if you are trying to draw something Asian and ancient eh? So~ yeah....
Anyhow, feel free to use those pictures as reference for your art people! Just remember to send me a copy afterward ^////^~~

OK, Here are the photos ( original photographs without any Photoshoped affects) :


1 comment:

  1. WOW. Oh my.
    The hair, the costumes... O_O
    SO PRETTY. :) Was this like a set? Or did you make it all yourself?
    Nevertheless: Holyy. Everything looks so nicee.
