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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long time no updates.... Hm....

Hello people~ Alright... I've noticed these days that I haven't update my blog for a VERY long time lol! But that was because I am too busy with my schooling, so its reasonable right? Anyhow, I've been to Think Tank for a month already~ I just want to keep this blog up to date, and let people know how I'm doing. So I'm going to upload quite a few things here today.

However before that, I just want to mark a little complaint about the little class drama happening right now. "Lord Gavin" is really getting on my nerves, SERIOUSLY. He just has SO MUCH ego.... Every class there's someone that's better than him, and I don't know where did he get the fact that he is the best in class?? DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO ME, in fact most of us are confused and pissed off by him = =|||| But sometimes I really feel sad for him, because he is not going to make it, he is NOT, and we all know it. It's a fact.

Photoshop Lighting Exercise for DIM 100 :
A simple photoshop lighting exercise, I think I over lit it, but oh well, I really liked it! ^^

Car tire and outline modeling for Modeling 100 :
Unfinished and still in process project in modeling class, this car will be due in 2 weeks, by then hopefully I'll have it finished with the finest detail I can possible model within my skill range, and fully textured.

Environment Texture for XSI 100:
This was a modeling exercise that we did in modeling class on the second week, I didn't really do a good job because my environment is really simple. Then our XSI exercise was to texture our environment, so I did. I liked it a lot better after I textured it, so I might keep on fidgeting with it to make it look nicer. I just MIGHT.

Simple Flour sac animation for Classical Animation 100 :
Before we did the flour sac we also did the bouncy ball and the pigtail bouncy ball animation exercise, but those stuff are really simple and I will not be putting those on >///< But the flour sac is really cute, I really liked him ~~

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