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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some drawings and that environment retry...

Hi people! I can't believe that I am updating my blog again = =|||| Anyhow, I just want people to know that I have a new Linked IN account, which you can find it HERE. So please add me if you want to ^^ I am looking forward to meet more people on there.

Also today I wanted to update on some of my recent sketches ( though I think they are not quite sketch anymore, finished piece maybe?) One is a pencil drawing of a mermaid, inspired by the pink mermaid pencil my friend and I bought for a guy in my class for his birthday ( Not that he likes pink mermaid pencils, but it was all for the fun of it ). The other one is a pen drawing of some kind of military android, this picture of the robot just one day popped inside my brain, and I just happened to capture it and continued till it's finished. Enjoy!

Also remember I said that I'm going to continue fidgeting with the environment textureing part? Yeah... I sorta made a new one, I think this one is much better, I like how the yellow light gives the environment a bit warmth, and look more natural... Who knows, I might make a better one later as I get better at textureing.

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