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Monday, April 26, 2010

Headache = =||||

Alright.... I WAS going to post something, but then as people can see, I fidget too much with my blog that in the end I don't have time to post anything.... Well, I guess it's ok, I mean I'm not in a hurry that much anyways la~~~

So, today all I did is to add music and tried some weird and retarded affect in the blog, I am still constantly improving my blog for sure~!

Despite the matter with my blog, I had a pretty horrible day today. I mean I guess most of the time it was fine, but I had a horrible 2 hours though. Mainly its due to the fight I had with my boyfriend... Sigh~ it was pretty screwed up, so I don't even wanna talk about it = =|||| But we are all ok, so that's the good news~

Well, that's all for me today ~ I hope I will have a better day tomorrow~~ Yay~ Art & animation class!

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