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Monday, April 26, 2010

Painting Showcase... OW...

OK, today I'm just gonna post some of the paintings I did, new and old, for a little showcase. I have to say that I am not satisfied with all of them, some of them I definitely think need improvements, but please just bare them through... I'm still learning

First of all I am going to clarify my painting experience. Which really is like... no experience at all = =|||| Of all those paintings I'm going to post today, I can tell you this is my first few pieces I've ever done in acrylic. I tried to paint acrylic before, but they turned out horrible, so just a year ago I still believed that I CAN'T PAINT.

However, last year when I got my tablet, that was where I started digital painting. Then as I get a little bit better with digital painting, I started to wonder if I could do this in a real painting on canvas. So then one day something hit me and got me going : portfolio for university application... That's where I decided I will buy some canvas and start my REAL painting. This time, they are WAY WAY WAY better. I get naturally so used to acrylic paint without even knowing that I can do this. I really think digital painting helped a lot, I wouldn't be able to paint like this if I hadn't painted in Photoshop.

Now, I am pretty proud to present some of my first few paintings. I mean they do have a lot of flaws for sure, but I am still proud of them! Please enjoy!! Comments and critics are always welcome ^^ Please make me improve more! Thank you!

(Paintings listed in order, from oldest to newest.)

PS: My arm is aching like hell, its killing me!!!! WHY?!!! OW!!!!

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