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Saturday, May 1, 2010

The making of "Avatar" & a very bad allergy...

Ok, first of all I just wanna say that: MY ALLERGY IS KILLING ME!!!! My body seems like it's all swelled up because of the hives = =|||| OMG dying from the itchiness too.... GR!!!!

Ok, back to the point. I decided that I will slowly post all of my screenshots that I took while drawing into my blog, so everyone can see what I did through out the process. Also to prove to people that I did paint them, I'm not like lying or anything = =||||

Today I decided to post my Avatar drawing first, mainly because this only took me a few hours, and plus it's a referenced piece so there's really nothing really creative about it. I did it for the sake of practicing and nothing more, but it's still one of my favourite practice drawing so far.

Please enjoy!

Finished Piece:

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