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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Because I keep losing

Just today I found out that I am a loser in life.
I submit something for bookmark contest, I lost.
I submit something for book cover contest, I lost.
I submit a scholarship, I lost again.
When everyone said I am good,
I laughed,
if so, why do I keep losing?
Maybe the school board hates me,
or maybe I wasn't as good as I thought I am.
For whatever reason it may be,
I keep losing.
But losing doesn't make me miserable,
I still believe in the soul within.
If we can learn through mistakes,
then I can learn through pain.
Because I keep losing,
I learnt to pick me up.
Because I keep losing,
I work double as hard.
Because I keep losing,
I thrive triple as fast.
Because I keep losing,
I have the urge to win.
Because I keep losing,
I want to prove them wrong.
Because I keep losing,
I am the way I am.

Because I lost.
Next time I'll win.

- Alice Wei ( with her recent lost in competing a scholarship.)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Alice.
    Me too.

    Not getting into the university I wanted to get in makes me want to have revenge and do something amazing to make them think, darn.

    Inspirational btw.
