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Monday, May 3, 2010

Drawing Doll's eyes

Hi guys, how's it going? Well my allergy is still bad but I'm slowly getting use to it. Today I finally finished making my first tutorial on doll's eye (YAY clap clap* ). I choose to do a doll eye because that is the painting that I am working on now. I will post the finished work up as soon as I finish it ~

The Finish look of the eyes....
Again I am posting this tutorial not to show off, I know this isn't the perfect way of drawing a realistic doll eye, but at least it's what I figured out myself. Of course there are going to be millions of tutorials on drawing eyes, but this is the closest a high-school student gets ^^ I hope it will help someone out there!

OK ~ Let's begin~

First of all, select a neutral skin color as your background color ( believe me it will makes your life a million times easier if you do this = =|||) . Then sketch out the outline of the eye using some darker color. Because we are doing a doll eye, the iris is way larger compare to the normal human eye so the doll can look really cute~

The you can fill in the pupil, iris color of your eye and the white of the eye. Note that the white part of the eye is NOT actually white, it's a bluish grey. Once again, because we are doing a doll's eye, the pupil  may be way larger than the normal human being just to create cuteness.

Now shade in the eye <3 The upper lid will cast a shadow on the eyeball, so please shade in all the places including the white and the iris. Also at the boarder of the iris and the white, I used a purplish grey to blend and smooth it out. In addition, I used the burn tool to smooth out the boarder of the pupil.

Use a darker tone of the iris color ( preferably closer to black ) to draw radiant lines in the iris. Brush set on 3 pt.

Then use a variety of related iris color to draw thin lines in the iris, make sure to pick a few concentrated colors to make the eyes stand out (for example instead of a light blue, use a bright turquoise). Neon colors are good to use for the highlights of the iris.

Now comes to the hard part: painting the lids of the eye. Most people didn't realize that there are actually a space between the where the eyelashes grow and where your lid touches the eyeball. To make sure the eye look as realistic as possible, we need to paint that space using a lighter skin tone color. The upper eyelid can be shaded using a reddish dark brown.

The eyelashes can be drawn with a 3 pt and 1 pt hard edge round brush with the opacity of 60%. As most girls would notice when they are putting on mascara, eyelashes doesn't all go in the same direction they tend to group themselves. Make sure to paint them grouped to create a realistic look!

1 comment:

  1. lol alice your always amazing and thanks for the tutorial, i was gonna ask you about eyes anywayz.... btw im having trouble putting the eyelashes.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!
