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Friday, June 11, 2010


Hi guys! Guess what I've been working on lately? A MURAL for our school wrestling room! My friend Meagan, Joseph and I are responsible for doing this mural, so we got to work on it for the past few weeks ^^ This is a voluntary work, nobody paid us to do it, but we just thought that we might wanna leave something memorable in the school before we move on to post secondary.

So this was the plan I made in photoshop (I did not design the man, it was our school wrestling logo):

Then we got to work on it! Because I was the main responsible person in this project, so I did spent more time than Joseph and Meagan. I drew the man and the R by myself using a white board pen ( yes. a white board pen because thats all we get = =||| )

woot! the finished version of the man, wasn't that bad eh? It was hard to see the porportions because it is so big, but I did a good job on it.

Then Joseph gets to do the lettering of "Burnaby South Wrestling", and Meagan gets to do the list of names that we needed to write on the wall ( annual best athelets?). Here I was just helping Meagan to do some of the names....

Joseph was busy doing the SOUTH part, and meagan was erasing some of the stuff off from the wall.

The mural is not done yet, but we are very close to finish it. We are at the phase of painting it over with interior paints so it can stay on the wall ( you wouldn't even believe how long I begged the PE teachers to get us a can of paint, god they are so cheap = =|||| I ended up finding my animation teacher to get us paint.) I think it will be done next week, and I will post more pictures on by then!

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