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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why are people so racist?

I really don't understand why people are so racist to other nationality, I am a Chinese so what?

Recently I just noticed how racist this kid in my class is, he is completely discriminatory to Chinese people. I really don't understand why, aren't we all human? What is wrong with being a Chinese? He just has to make it sound like it's a sin to be a Chinese, I mean.... Common, really? Do we have to be this extreme?

Like I cant stress how extreme this kid is, he literally said to me that he will never goes to China, and if he is forced to be placed in downtown China he would beat random people's crap out of them.

Seriously? What did Chinese people do to you anyways? Certainly the Chinese government isn't most people's favorite way of governing a country, certainly there are some very rude people in China but they don't represent all the Chinese citizens. Keep in mind that there are over millions of people in China, can EVERYONE be just as nice and just as intelligent? Is there no white people that are rude and mannerless?

In the end we are all the same, we are all human dispite what color we are. People need to understand that as long as we are human, there are good people and also bad people. Just because China has more population so we have more bad people compare to other countries, doesn't make us all stupid and rude.

This kid in my class should really learn some manner, and make himself a bit smarter. With his horrible manner and discrimmintory thoughts, what made him had the right to say anything about other people?

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